
NH Amsterdam Centre

Description If you are planning for an ideal holiday destination in Amsterdam, the NH Amsterdam Centre is a perfect place for you to reside. Location Located in the heart of the city, NH Amsterdam Centre overlooks the famous Leidse Square and one of the many canals of Amsterdam. It is also situated very close to […]

Sayı Tahmin Etme Oyunu – C Programlama Dili

//Yazılan Sayıyı Bulma Oyun v.1.0 Producer SDRL #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main(){ int gizliSayi=0,arkSayi=0,sayac=1; printf("Arkadasinizin Goremiyecegi Sekilde 'saklayarak'\nBir Sayi Girin : "); scanf("%d",&gizliSayi); printf("\n\n\n"); getchar(); system("pause"); system("cls"); while(sayac<=100){ printf("Arkadasinizin Girdigi Sayiyi Tahmin Edin : "); scanf("%d",&arkSayi); if(gizliSayi==arkSayi) printf("\n\n\n\n\tTebrikler Dogru Bildiniz…\a\a\a",sayac=100); if(arkSayigizliSayi) printf("Yanlis 'Arkadasinizin Sayisi Daha Kucuk Tekrar Tahmin Edin…'\n\n\n"); sayac=sayac+1; }//while bitti.. getchar(); getchar(); }//main […]