Area: 5.520 km² Population: 357.191 (1990) Traffic Code: 05 Districts: Amasya (center), Göynücek, Gümüşhacıköy, Hamamözü, Merzifon, Suluova, Taşova. Located in the region of Middle Black Sea, Amasya is founded on the slopes of Mt. Harşena in Yeşilırmak Valley. With its over 7000 year historical background it became a capital of a kingdom, trained scientists, artists, […]
Month – Haziran 2009
Samsun’nun İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 9.579 km² Population: 1.158.400 (1990) Traffic Code: 55 Samsun placed at the Black Sea Region is one of the region cities has highest tourism potential with , natural historical and cultural riches, opportunity of maritime, airway, air and railway arrival. Samsun preserve its importance and property by time with being commence […]
Area: 12.820 km² Population: 609.863 (1990) Traffic Code: 19 Opening gate of Black Sea Region to Interior Anatolia Region, Çorum offers tourism services in large scale together with the 5 thousand years of history within the unique natural beauties. Districts : Alaca, Bayat, Boğazkale, Dodurga, İskilip, Kargı, Laçin, Mecitözü, Oğuzlar, Ortaköy, Osmancık, Sungurlu, Uğurludağ.
Bolu’nun İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 11.051 km² Population: 380.543 (1990) Traffic Code: 14 Bolu province is the city where the shades of green and blue embraces each other, sleeping and waking together, where the wind still whispers one of the most dramatic legends at the peaks of the high mountains, where numerous civilizations was founded and […]
Düzce’nin İngilizce Tanıtımı Area : 1065 km2 Population : 156.326 (2000) Traffic Code No : 81 Districts : Düzce (center), Akçakoca, Yığılca, Cumayeri, Çilimli, Gölkaya, Gümüşova, Kaynaşlı. How to Get Highway: Arrival to Düzce is quite easy because it is on D – 100 high way and TEM motorway connecting Türkiye’s two biggest cities, Ankara […]
Karabük’ün İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 1.376 km² Population: İlçe 142.569, kent 94.818 (1985) Traffic Code: 78 The province of Karabük is located in the Western Black Sea Region, and is a tourism paradise with its historical Safranbolu houses and ancient cities. Karabük carries the rightful honor of representing the industrialization process in the history of the […]
Bartın’nın İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 2.140 km² Population: 205.834 (1990) Traffic Code: 74 Districts: Bartın (center), Amasra, Kurucaşile, Ulus. How To Get The majority of transportation to Bartın Province is via highway. Highway: The bus station of Bartın Province is located at the city center and it is possible to find busses to every province of […]
Kastamonu’nun İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 13.108 km² Population: 423.611 (1990) Traffic Code: 37 Kastamonu city center, an ancient settlement location, and its districts contain numerous historical structures available for visiting purposes. The major ones among these localities are Araç, Taşköprü, Küre, Abana districts and are protected areas. Archeological protected sites could be counted as Zimbilli Hill […]
Zonguldak İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 8.629 Km² Population: 1.073.560 (1990) Traffic Code: 67 Zonguldak is a valuable to see city with its historical and natural beauties, thousands of years old caverns and infinitive green, which has a rich ancient history. Districts : Alaplı, Çaycuma, Devrek, Ereğli and Gökçebey.
Tekirdağ’ın İngilizce Tanıtımı Area: 60218 km² Population: 468.842 (1990) Traffic Code: 59 The province of Tekirdağ is located at the northern shores of the Marmara Sea and is a major port of commerce. The sandy beaches lie at the both side of the province. The joyful mixture of sunflowers and the vineyards covers the entire […]
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